Pulpit Supply
The Pulpit Supply List is for churches who need to find an individual to temporarily fill the pulpit on Sunday Morning(s). The Pulpit Supply List contains names and information of individual Presbyterian Ministers, Elders, Commissioned Ruling Elders, and ministers of other denominations who are willing and able to temporarily serve a congregation by filling the pulpit on a Sunday.
If you are a church leader who needs to find someone to fill the pulpit, please look at the Pulpit Supply Form-Church Info first and then select the Pulpit Supply List in order to determine whom you should invite to your church. After the pulpit supply person has filled the pulpit, please complete the Pulpit Supply Form-Church Feedback and send to the Presbytery Office.
If you wish to have your name added to the list please select the Pulpit Supply List Information Form below and then complete and return that form.
"Only Ministers of the Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA) or minister members of denominations with which we are in full communion, are authorized to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in PC(USA) churches. Commissioned Lay Pastors/Ruling Elders are not authorized to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in churches across the Presbytery. The only exceptions are when it is the Ruling Elder's church of membership or the church to which the Commissioned Lay Pastor is currently commissioned, training has been conducted, AND COM has granted permission specifically for that Commissioned Lay Pastor to administer the sacrament in that particular commissioning or the Ruling Elder to administer the Sacrament because of a shortage of Ministers of the Word and Sacrament in the area of the church."
Rev. Elissa Bailey, Stated Clerk
If you are a church leader who needs to find someone to fill the pulpit, please look at the Pulpit Supply Form-Church Info first and then select the Pulpit Supply List in order to determine whom you should invite to your church. After the pulpit supply person has filled the pulpit, please complete the Pulpit Supply Form-Church Feedback and send to the Presbytery Office.
If you wish to have your name added to the list please select the Pulpit Supply List Information Form below and then complete and return that form.
"Only Ministers of the Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA) or minister members of denominations with which we are in full communion, are authorized to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in PC(USA) churches. Commissioned Lay Pastors/Ruling Elders are not authorized to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion in churches across the Presbytery. The only exceptions are when it is the Ruling Elder's church of membership or the church to which the Commissioned Lay Pastor is currently commissioned, training has been conducted, AND COM has granted permission specifically for that Commissioned Lay Pastor to administer the sacrament in that particular commissioning or the Ruling Elder to administer the Sacrament because of a shortage of Ministers of the Word and Sacrament in the area of the church."
Rev. Elissa Bailey, Stated Clerk

Pulpit Supply Information Fillable Form |

Pulpit Supply List |

Pulpit Supply Church Information Fillable Form |

Pulpit Supply Form Church Feedback |